Commentary: Watching foreign-language TV during COVID-19 can help you learn a new language

ONTARIO: With university classrooms and linguistic communication schools closed because of the pandemic, linguistic communication students must discover new ways to do and improve.

In recent years, an increasing number of applied linguists have been advocating regular Boob tube viewing to learn English.

Research shows that students are motivated to acquire linguistic communication through watching foreign language television programs.

In the world of professional sports, baseball game players, ice-hockey players and football managers take also claimed that television was a central resource for their language development.

Surprisingly, television has played a relatively small role in the language learning classroom. Our enquiry has shown that students learn new words and phrases through watching television receiver, and the amount of learning may be similar to what is learned through reading.


At that place is at present increasing testify that language learners can meliorate their comprehension skills, pronunciation and grammer through watching TV.

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Research reveals that language learners who frequently watch foreign-language TV programs exterior of school tend to be improve at reading, listening and vocabulary.

This holds for language learners in primary schools, secondary schools, at university and even for immature kids who have non had any English lessons yet. Television set has as well proven beneficial for children with more than than one language to improve their English language-linguistic communication skills.

A survey by the European Commission on the use of subtitles to encourage language learning and improve the mastery of foreign languages showed that regions that apply subtitles to make foreign-linguistic communication TV shows and movies accessible — like Sweden, Denmark or Flanders — have substantial benefits in terms of linguistic communication learning compared to dubbing countries, like France or Deutschland, because subtitles are more widely available, and in more languages, than dubbing.

(Photograph: Unsplash/Clement M)

Although research indicates that simply watching television set programs may contribute to second linguistic communication learning, initially telly may be challenging for people to empathize and enjoy.

This is perhaps the reason why books and articles, which tin can be easily written or simplified according to the level of students, are recommended and used much more ofttimes for learning.


The following principles were designed to optimise the potential of television for learning and encourage students to keep learning with television.

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First, the aim of television viewing in a second language should be the aforementioned as in the first language: to inform and enjoy. It is not necessary that every word, sentence or phrase is understood.

The goal should be to have an understanding sufficient to motivate further viewing. Comprehension should better over fourth dimension with greater exposure to spoken input.

2d, regular Idiot box viewing is central to learning. We tend to make very small gains through encountering input, only these gains can go meaningful as they accrue through encountering more and more input.

This means that nosotros acquire very little through watching Telly for an hour merely can make neat gains through viewing a large amount of television. For 2nd language learning, binge watching programs is a skilful matter!

3rd, because agreement tv will be difficult initially, it is important to use strategies to support learning.

For example, students might try to progress from viewing episodes initially with first-language subtitles, then with second-language subtitles, and finally without subtitles to support their comprehension.

Another way to boost comprehension is to watch the aforementioned episode multiple times, because research shows that comprehension and language learning increase through repeated viewing of the same content.

Many parents might recognise that their children have learned new words and phrases through viewing the same movies once again and again.

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A final strategy is watching one program in sequence from the first episode. Sequential or "narrow viewing" will improve our understanding of subsequent episodes, because we chop-chop gain knowledge of the characters, their relationships and story arcs as they develop.

By following these principles, students may achieve greater success in language learning with goggle box.

IS Boob tube THE ONLY Option?

There are many useful means to larn a second language on your own during the pandemic. Language tin can be learned doing exercises from coursebooks and online apps, as well every bit through reading, listening, viewing and even playing video games.

The Netflix series Money Heist is advertised at the booth of Netflix during Europe'due south leading digital games fair Gamescom on Aug 21, 2019. (Photograph: Wolfgang Rattay/File Photo)

Exposure to linguistic communication plays a big role in vocabulary evolution and students should be encouraged to learn from whichever source of input they enjoy. Exposure to large amounts of input volition promote learning, so watching lots of second-linguistic communication television has value.

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While we are inside during the pandemic, why not embrace television for both teaching and enjoyment. Learning a 2nd linguistic communication provides you with a good excuse.

Stuart Webb is Professor of Practical Linguistics at Western Academy in Ontario, Canada. Elke Peters is Associate Professor at the Research group of Language, Education, & Order, at KU Leuven. This commentary first appeared in The Conversation.


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